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1st - Transnational Project Meeting - Porto - Portugal

First face-to-face contact between partners;

Establishment of bilateral cooperation agreements;

Proactively identify and address issues and risks;

Provide relevant information on communication and visibility criteria;

Instructions for using social media platforms within the scope of the project;

Sustainability Plan and Budget Control analysis;

Objectives to be fulfilled until the next meeting;

Scheduling dates for training meetings and online meetings;

Maintain open lines of communication and strengthen team building.


1st Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Enna - Italy

Welcome to the participants. Visit of the school

Presentation and welcoming to Italy by the host team

Workshop to Kore University about the inclusion of students in Italy

Reception by local authorities, meeting with the Major and cultural visit to the town

School presentation:

Programmes for students with special needs and Italian laws.;

Working groups:

Training activities on laboratories with support teachers and students with special needs. “Special minds” laboratories.

Presentation of the cooperative company “Bee Coop”.

Programmes for students with special needs and Italian laws

1st steps in Canva - 1st session;

Rules and procedures to create content to “In as in Inclusion” project.

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2nd Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Balikesier - Turkey

Visit of the school. 

Open Classrooms.

Presentation and welcoming to Turkey by the host team.

Presentation of the head master

Seed activity for the exploration of internal resources through metaphor and for the robustness of inclusion

Lunch at school dorm with the students

Cultural sightseeing of the city and meeting local authorities of the Local Governments

Presentation of school programmes for students with special needs and the special education and inclusion program and regulation in the Turkish education system

Presentation by Fatma ÇavuÅŸoÄŸlu  Kocaman (Head of the Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association)  about psychological resilience, social adaptation and acceptance of disadvantaged students, improvement of coping skills, reduction of risk factors and early school leaving

Visit of ‘’ Firdevs Hattat SEN  School’’ to see and get info about how the staff includes the ss to real life

Visit of Hanımeli Bazaar only for the craftwomen to see what they produce and how they earn their living ( including lunch ,prepared by these women)

Therapeutic cards activity for exploring  of the  internal resources

Procedures to create a good training plan

Presentation of the ERASMUS+ Portuguese National Agency responsible "Inclusion in the Scope of European Union".

Programmes of success and opportunities.

Visit of Migration Office to get info about the social inclusion of the immigrants to Turkish Schools.

Visit to University of Balıkesir to get informed about its studies for Inclusion

Visit Reformatory  House( ‘’Sevgi Evleri)


3rd Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Aljustrel - Portugal

Welcome by local authorities from the Townhall and School Director

Workshops in the scope of the project;

- Learning Support Center.

- Specialized SEN Teachers Training.

- Canva training (part 2).

- The pedagogy developed.

- The content created or offered.

- The tools and technology used in the classroom.

- The usage of principles of Universal Learning Development in curriculum.

Cultural and ecological background of the institution;

The three important needs to know to create a genuinely inclusive -classroom:

Other important objectives to VET and regular schools;

Visit to Partner institutions promotors of inclusion;

Reflect on the realities in terms of political and educational structures

Reception from the General Directorate of Education of the Alentejo School Establishments

Presentations from DGEstE - Alentejo.

Presentations from CFAE Terras do Montado.

Presentation from Politecnical Institute of Beja.

Presentation from the ERASMUS+ Portuguese National Agency.

Presentation from ETIC Algarve.


4th Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Partas - Greece

Welcome in the Agora Argyri

Education and Sports Deputy Mayor, Ministry of Education Regional Director, Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia Prefecture (DSEAP).

Open Clssroom in ENEEGY-L Patras School

-Open Classroom

-Sports and Fitness Rooms

-Creative Laboratory Installations

Round Table Discussion on Inclusion Issues and Challenges in Europe - 1st General Lykeion of Patras

- Promoting Inclusion: Challenges and Perspectives - (presentation Ministry of Education - Department for the Protection of the Rights of Students with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs

- Inclusion/Internationalization and the European Area of Education presented by the ERASMUS+ Portuguese National Agency

- Round Table : How to Promote Successful Inclusion in European Level 


- Apprenticeships for SEN students and Inclusion - DSEAP Responsible of Internships

- Apprenticeships for SEN students, practical considerations, experiences and challenges

- IWOODEA - A successful Entrepreneurship Inclusion project

- Study Visit in the 2nd Laboratory Center of Patras, Meet with SEN Students and talk on their experiences on apprenticeship

- CT Technologies the most Effective Tools to Support Inclusion in Temporary Classroom

- Google Classroom - The Ultimate Tool for Efficient Inclusion 

- Educational Design in the context of STEAM approach - Inclusion Experiences

Game to EMbrace INtercultural education - GEM IN Erasmus Project  

- How to implement effective STEAM instruction for protecting students with Mild Disabilities - Erasmus Project SpicE [Special Education STEAM Curriculum]

-Creative Laboratory Concept - Supporting Methodologies

- Bring Sport to Children with Special Needs - KA2 Erasmus - Project Experience

- “Together we stand: co-existing, collaborating, co-creating in the 18th Junior High School of Patras and Senior High School for deaf and hard hearing students”

- Inclusive Practises in Theater Activities


Live Theatrical Performance - 524 kilometers of Dreams with Students from various Patras Schools


5th Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Novo Mesto - Slovenia

Wellcome Consortium Participants

Presentation of inclusion in school

Slovenian language class

Visit to open classrooms

Presentation of inclusion in Slovenia

Visit to special needs school

Presentation of the project »In the flock with others« and »Sožitje«

Open rehearsal of folklore KCJT

Travel to Sotirov

Workshops in Sotirov regarding inclusion with children with behavioral problems

Visit DRPD - work example with migrants, integration in the community  - day center

Workshop in Ljubljana - inclusion in community

Visit and Lunch at (institution managed by different foreigner  communities in Ljubljana) - Integration of migrants and refugees in the community

Visit to the kindergarten, activities examples

Tour to the school (classrooms, computers, studio, classes)

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6th Learning, Training and Teaching Activity - Tolosa - Spain


IN as in INclusion in Spain- he achievements of VET programs in including students with behavioral problems, academic disinterest and social disadvantage in school and social inclusion. 

Reception by school direction and local authorities.

Reflect good practices in the booklet that will be prepared as output.

The success story of a student with learning difficulties, who ends up working in a machining company.

Analysis of levels of local regulation in educational policy.

Educational structure.

Legislation and educational context.

Sharing good practices and experiences.

Reflect on the realities in terms of political and educational structures.

Presentation about:

Characteristics of the reference territory; social networks in the territory: types of social relationships and emerging intercultural challenges.

Projects that are p·romoted to innovate the FP in different aspects.

The solidarity FP. One of the projects of this institution is that of  Values 4.0, where actions are developed to raise awareness to students and society in general about values such as equality, honesty, sustainable growth, empathy etc.

Know first-hand experience of the FP of the Basque Gountry regarding these fields, through the attendance of conferences or workshops.

Work carried out in the center for the inclusion of unemployed people, through the offer of courses for unemployed, within a Certificate of Professional ism with different leveis (Leveis 1,2 and 3), where students carry out internships and sometimes get a work contract, in this way the inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion is favored.

Tlhe methodology of high performance cycles (ETHAZI), based on collaborative learning based on challenges. Transversal skills, known as "soft skilIs":teamwork, autonomy, flexibil ity, initiative etc.

Personalized monitoring of the students through feedback sessions and continuous assessment actions carried out throughout the training process.

Examples of methodologies that have succeeded with students coming from general secondary education with educational difficulties and young people with learning difficulties by using the hands-on learning of a profession in order to motivate and prevent school dropping and by facilitating the insertion of the student body.

Work of the GUREAK group, a Basque business group that generates and manages stable and conveniently adapted work opportunities for people with disabilities, primarily for people with intellectual disabilities.

Penascal Kooperatiba, an entity of social initiative, non-profit and declared of public utility, with the purpose of integrating people who are in a situation or at risk of exclusion into society due to various personal, academic or social circumstances.

First-hand success stories of students who have been at risk of social exclusion and have managed to integrate themselves into the work life, through a training action carried out in the center.

Katealegaia, a non-profit company committed to the employment and social integration of people with mental, physical or sensory disabilities and people at risk and/or social exclusion, through training and offer of employment, intermediation and counsel ing .


2nd Transnational Project Meeting - Porto - Portugal

Ongoing work

Project results overview

Last steps


Project reports

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